a community of people following Jesus & making disciples
We just finished our summer sermon series in Acts, entitled Mission: Possible!
This guided service is prepared so that you have the space to remember, read, reflect, watch, and learn just a little bit more as we worship our great and holy God! Some of the stories we have learned are listed, with links to kids videos this time, as a way to review them all again, because they are fun and well done, and you can watch them in a short period of time.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is:
Pick a few to watch.
Reflect when you're done: What story was most significant to you this summer? Why? and what will you do about it?
Jesus' Ascension
Acts 1:1-11 Stop staring into the sky and waiting for someone better to come along! Jesus is with us!
Acts 2:1-47 Simon (Peter) Says that Jesus is the new king, and the Holy Spirit was poured out on the church! We can tell the news to all the people we come into contact with, in whatever language best suits the crowd we are with.
Peter and John and the lame beggar
Acts 3-4:21 God uses ordinary people to show His extraordinary power. We don't need wealth, power, titles, or a fancy education to make a difference in this world. But we DO need Jesus! Have you been with Jesus lately?
Jesus calms the storm
Mark 4: 35-41 Does your fear get the better of you in the storms of life?
God never sleeps, and he is with us, to get us to the other side.
Philip and Simon the Magician, and The Ethiopian
Acts 8:1-8; 25-40 Following Jesus is a commitment to a new way of life.
We can't buy our way to the top like Simon the magician. We must listen and believe the message of the gospel, and be baptized into a new life, like the Ethiopian. Like Philip, sometimes we just need to follow Jesus one step at a time.
Saul on the Road to Damascus
Acts 9:1-31 An encounter with Jesus changes the way we see everything.
Saul is transformed by his encounter with Jesus, and starts a radical shift in the way he lives out his faith. God works in intensely personal ways in our lives, and after we meet Jesus, we will never be the same!
Tabitha: A Life of Faithful Obedience
Acts 9:32-43 Tabitha's story reminded us that a life of faithful obedience is better than random acts of kindness. Whatever you're doing for God's kingdom, even if it seems small, keep doing it! Over time, the difference you can make is extraordinary!
Paul and Silas in Prison (Lydia, the Jailer)
Acts 16 God is present in the praises of his people! Even when things are at their worst, even when we feel discouraged and are beaten down, God is enthroned-he rules as king-he is present-when his people praise him.
Priscilla and Aquila
Acts 18 It doesn't matter if you know how to sew--We are all tentmakers in training! We can: 1-Engage in the Mission wherever God has placed us; 2-Treat our Things as Temporary, 3-Be willing to learn from anyone/be ready to teach anyone!
Paul gets Shipwrecked
Acts 27 God saves us-not from storms, but through storms. No matter what storms we go through, we have the assurance of God's presence, and we can recognize God-given opportunities to share his love with others!
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May God bless you as you rest this weekend and reflect on his work through the book of Acts!
Our new season and a new series starts on September 8! Hope to see you then!